Your own Swagger UI on Liberty

IBM Websphere Liberty comes with great out of the box support for Swagger, including their own branded Swagger UI. You might, however, want to create your own branded UI. (If you are not using Liberty, check out Apiee for other options) [Read More]
Tags: IBM Websphere Liberty, Java EE, JAX-RS, Project Lombok, REST, Swagger, Webjars

Rocket man

The 4th day of the conference was a short one, as the Elton John concert started at 6, all the sessions ended at 5:30ish. [Read More]
Tags: IBM Interconnect 2016

Accidental data

Cultures, Practices and Tools that Support a DevOps Approach: An Open Conversation This panel discussion made up of some industry experts shared some insights into creating a DevOps work environment. [Read More]
Tags: IBM Interconnect 2016